How to have more power over your health

September 25, 2014

I hope this note finds you enjoying this transition into Fall.  I’m happy to say my drought-parched area of California got some beautiful rain last night – yay!

I recently attended a virtual conference of The Evolution of Medicine and have come away so inspired.

I have always worked outside mainstream healthcare, searching for solutions where there weren’t any, thinking outside the box and treating my patients as individuals, so to be around so many other like-minded practitioners was inspiring and motivating.  It’s wonderful to see how much more common alternative and integrative medicine has become over the years – much more so than when I started 20 years ago.

One of the themes that I kept hearing about was “Empowerment Medicine”.  I love this term!  Because it completely aligns with how I live my life and how I practice my healing work with my patients.  The current system of conventional medicine is patriarchal, which takes our power away from us.  “Here, just take this pill” or “There’s nothing wrong with you” (pat, pat on the head).

It saddens me when I see how much power people give to their doctors.  Conventional medicine absolutely has its benefits, but not for treating chronic illness or trying to prevent it in the first place.

One way to treat chronic illness or prevent illness is to thoroughly examine your blood test results.   The way that conventional medicine uses these results is to identify obvious disease, not to promote health, or optimal functioning of the body.


Did you know that lab ranges vary from lab to lab and from city to city?  Did you know that these ranges are the average of all people who get their blood drawn?  And who usually goes to get their blood tested?  Sick people, right?  When I learned this it blew my mind.


Functional medicine (what I practice) looks at where you fall in the range and compares it to the level needed for optimal functioning and health, not just pathology.


This information is power.  It provides a picture of what’s actually happening in your body and points to what may need to be addressed to keep you healthy.  This is Empowerment Medicine.  The power to access information, to make choices that support your health and to encourage you to participate in your own healthcare. 

Because when we’re not healthy, we don’t get to experience all that life has to offer!  The people, the relationships, the moutainsbeachesdeserts, swimming and dancing, the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon, the food, the beauty, the joy, the making a contribution, the doing what you love to do… Isn’t this the point?!

I think so.  And I want this for you.

To support you in empowering yourself in your health, I have a special offer below.  Check it out.


Blessings for your health,







**Special Empower Yourself with Knowledge Offer**



In-depth Analysis of your Blood Test Results

(even if everything looks “normal”)



I’m stretching out the functional medicine arm of my practice to empower you with information that can help you if:


  • Your numbers are out of lab range but this hasn’t been addressed, or
  • Your numbers are in lab range but you know you could feel better



We’ll look at:


  • Possible blood sugar imbalances / pre-diabetes tendency


  • Immune system functioning


  • Liver and kidney health


  • Anemia possibility


  • Thyroid health and other hormones (if tests performed)


  • Inflammation (involved in any disease)


  • and more, depending on the results you provide me


In this 30 minute phone consultation I will review your latest blood chemistry results with you (emailed to me in advance) and identify any potential issues that your body is leaning toward and how to ward them off.


Specific treatment and/or nutritional recommendations, lifestyle adjustments and next steps will be provided.


Special Price:  $55


Want Power?  Just reply to this email and we’ll get you scheduled.  Or call me directly at (505) 501-5228.

If you don’t have any recent blood test results, I can order them for you.  Contact me for more information.

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